Brave joy


Existing every day

Following extreme loss of

A child, a spouse, a parent

Or after receiving

A doctor’s report

Of fatal illness

Or when you must live

With the knowledge

Your loved one’s mind

Has been taken by

Dementia or Alzheimer’s

Or knowing your child

Is stuck in the chains

Of addiction

Yes, it takes courage

To wake up and exist

Without losing all hope

Without losing all joy

Belief in God

Does not remove the pain

But it can help us cope

Giving us strength to go on

And the will to live

When we really don’t know

How to

As we continue to exist

Pieces of our heart missing

We eventually find joy again

It’s just different

Than it might have been

E.A. Fussell


Purple love

Love shows up
In many ways
Scattered throughout
The day

Someone’s favorite color
Can bring a person
To my mind

Is a favorite color
Of several friends of mine

When I see it
They come into view

And my heart sparkles
With memories
Each one shining anew

Long talks, dance floors
Laughter and tears
Scattered across the years

I am grateful for each one
Thankful for all the fun
Blessed with time spent
Honored to call them friend

E.A. Fussell

Caged in warmth

Whispering gently
The snow falls
Blanketing the woods

The wind begins to blow
Whipping the snow around
Rearranging it
Across the ground

Temperatures drop lower
As animals hunker down
Ice begins to form
Turning the white blanket
To dangerous terrain

Tucked inside an ancient house
Peering through
A window pane
An old woman huddles safely
Warming her weary soul

She ponders the simple
Complexity of nature
Serene beauty masking
Treacherous consequences
Should one step the wrong way

She envies the animal’s freedom
As they adapt to the changes
While she is caged for days
Snow whispering, wind howling
Memories fading

E.A. Fussell


I am Grace filled
But not always graceful

Stumbling over my temper
Speaking my mind
When it would be better
To remain silent

Tripping on curse words
As they spew out
When a driver decides
To pull out in front of me
On an icy road

Sometimes I wish
I was one of those
Calm souls
Who remains collected
Quiet in all situations

But that’s not how
God wired me
High voltage courses
Through my veins
Making it hard to refrain

Ungraceful, but grateful
For the Grace covering me

E.A. Fussell

Sparks fly

The spark caught my attention

How long might the spark last

Remembering past failures

That this connection is different

It could go either way

Knowing, either way,
I will be okay

E.A. Fussell

Collapse Time

Plan A often goes awry
So it’s all about
How you handle Plan B
And Plan C thru Z

Be flexible
Be prepared to turn
On a dime

Set your intentions
Chart your course
But remember
They are not cast in stone

You can always
Adjust or change your path
As circumstances arise

The most important thing
Is to remind yourself
You desire your intention

Allow yourself
To fully feel
Your why

Then get lost in
Your perceived feeling
Of the moment when you
Accomplish your intention

Collapse time
Feel it as if it is happening
Right now

E.A. Fussell


If you have something bad
To say about me
Don’t bother saying it to my face

Say it to someone else
I don’t have the time or
The inclination to listen

You are speaking
Out of your perspective
Not from my shoes

I know all too well
The truth about myself
Much deeper than you ever could

The mistakes I have made
The things I have failed at
The people I have hurt

And so does God
If He can forgive me
Then I can forgive you

So talk to your hearts content
Say whatever you choose
I have been forgiven

And no longer
Have anything
To lose

E.A. Fussell

Feel this moment

One day
When there is no darkness
When the gates of the City
Are continuously open
I will relax in a mansion
A place prepared for me

Until then
I will remain a warrior
Wearing the full armor of God
With oil for my lamp
Standing in Spiritual battle
For the King of Kings

To fully feel
Each moment
Good or bad
My journey through
This earth brings

E.A. Fussell

Revelation 21
Ephesians 6
Matthew 25
Ephesians 3