Let doubt go

Dear Believer,
Remember: You can receive what you need anytime anywhere. You were Divinely created. Your passage through time and space is not random. You were made for such a time as this. You are always in the right place at the right time, otherwise you would not be here. You are forgiven. You are Spiritually healed. You have access to unlimited resources, unlimited health, unlimited love. Such is the power of God.

Lord help us today, especially the person reading this. When worry and doubt try to overtake our Spirit give us confirmation You are with us, and all things are possible through our Belief in You. We understand that from the moment Eve & Adam solidified doubt during their experience in the garden, when they listened to the whisper to doubt Your authority and were lead into self-destruction, doubt has been one of our main Spiritual weaknesses. We acknowledge and accept Your authority over doubt and over all things in our life. We surrender all of our weakness to You. We are grateful for the Divine Spiritual armor You provide us as described in Ephesians 6:10-18. Today Lord, we ask to be clothed wholly in it that we be made strong in You, and in the power of Your might. And for me, Lord I ask that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel. That others may be drawn to have a personal relationship with You. Bless the person reading this. Wrap Your arms around them. Open their ears, eyes, mind, heart. Show them how very much You love them. Amen

Holiday temptations

Tempting treats surround us this time of year. Food is a common way to express love and offer comfort all throughout the year but during the holidays we bring out even more favorite family recipes, and sweet treats seasoned with love. They are featured at varying size feasts as we gather to reminisce, create new traditions, celebrate, and make each other feel special.

Those are all lovely things, but there is also an ugly side to holiday eating. Stress eating is a real challenge for many and stress is magnified during this time of year. Holidays can send us on an emotional roller coaster that multiplies stress while offering lots of opportunities to eat. We sub-consciously stuff down our feelings and numb emotional pain as we stuff ourselves with food.

Giving into temptation and overeating during the holidays is easy, even for the most diligent. Often our food choices are unhealthy, laden with calories, and heavy on sugar. We tell ourselves we deserve it or, “I’ll just have one bite”. Then suddenly we realize we have consumed way more than “one bite” as we unbutton our jeans to let our expanding belly breathe.

We know that over indulgence causes damage physically, emotionally and spiritually, but we may feel like we are unable to control ourselves. Attending multiple holiday feasts with a smorgasbord of our favorite foods and sweet treats takes extra self-awareness and effort to stay on track.

We can change our reaction by viewing holiday eating as a spiritual experience, an opportunity to draw closer to God. With continual prayer, increased awareness, and intentional planning we can find ourselves putting God first, instead of our desire to indulge. By doing this we minimize emotional pain and avoid gaining holiday pounds.

I Corinthians 10:13 reminds us that: “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.”

E.A. Fussell


Lord, help us this holiday season. As our emotions soar, wrap us in Your love and surround us with Divine comfort that no earthly sensation can match. Help us plan in advance and be prepared. Then when temptation and emotional triggers threaten to send us out of control help us stand firm, holding onto You. Let us remember that Your promise is faithful and Your Spirit will guide us in how to escape each earthly trap. Thank You that we can always turn to You for help. Help us do just that, turn away from our emotions and run to You. Strengthen us in this season and draw us ever closer to You. Amen.

Holiday temptations

Tempting treats surround us this time of year. Food is a common way to express love and offer comfort all throughout the year but during the holidays we bring out even more favorite family recipes, and sweet treats seasoned with love. They are featured at varying size feasts as we gather to reminisce, create new traditions, celebrate, and make each other feel special.

Those are all lovely things, but there is also an ugly side to holiday eating. Stress eating is a real challenge for many and stress is magnified during this time of year. Holidays can send us on an emotional roller coaster that multiplies stress while offering lots of opportunities to eat. We sub-consciously stuff down our feelings and numb emotional pain as we stuff ourselves with food.

Giving into temptation and overeating during the holidays is easy, even for the most diligent. Often our food choices are unhealthy, laden with calories, and heavy on sugar. We tell ourselves we deserve it or, “I’ll just have one bite”. Then suddenly we realize we have consumed way more than “one bite” as we unbutton our jeans to let our expanding belly breathe.

We know that over indulgence causes damage physically, emotionally and spiritually, but we may feel like we are unable to control ourselves. Attending multiple holiday feasts with a smorgasbord of our favorite foods and sweet treats takes extra self-awareness and effort to stay on track.

We can change our reaction by viewing holiday eating as a spiritual experience, an opportunity to draw closer to God. With continual prayer, increased awareness, and intentional planning we can find ourselves putting God first, instead of our desire to indulge. By doing this we minimize emotional pain and avoid gaining holiday pounds.

I Corinthians 10:13 reminds us that: “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.”

E.A. Fussell


Lord, help us this holiday season. As our emotions soar, wrap us in Your love and surround us with Divine comfort that no earthly sensation can match. Help us plan in advance and be prepared. Then when temptation and emotional triggers threaten to send us out of control help us stand firm, holding onto You. Let us remember that Your promise is faithful and Your Spirit will guide us in how to escape each earthly trap. Thank You that we can always turn to You for help. Help us do just that, turn away from our emotions and run to You. Strengthen us in this season and draw us ever closer to You. Amen.

Stand firm on your path

Have you ever felt like giving up? Have you made some progress and then watched it disappear as old habits slowly crept back in? Maybe you lost some weight and kept it off for a while then, it seemed like over night, the weight was back plus a few pounds. Maybe you were going strong with walking or exercise and experienced a health issue that set you back and now you can’t seem to get motivated again. Maybe you went a year without drinking soda and then one day the desire overtook you and you found yourself back in front of the fountain machine filling a styrofoam cup.

Our enemy knows our every weakness and looks for the opportune moment to place temptation in front of us. When temptation appears try shifting your thoughts to the power of God residing in you. Turn to the Spirit for help.

Resisting temptation isn’t easy but it is possible. And when you persist in resisting the enemy will flee. Remember, as a Believer and follower of Christ, you have been given authority over all the power of the enemy. Not over some of the power, but over ALL of the power of the enemy.

Stand firm on your path. Use your authority.

E.A. Fussell

Lord, You are our strength, our comfort, our authority. I thank you for the person reading this, I pray Your Word over them. Be with us in the temptations we face. Show us the power of Your strength in us. Show us the reach of Your authority through us. Help us overcome the flesh and be victorious in Your name. The enemy wants us to feel defeated, ashamed, unworthy. But You say there is no condemnation in Christ. We believe Your promise to help us. Today, right now, we ask for Your help, we seek Your guidance, we open the door to You, we accept the authority you have placed in is. Thank You Lord for Your help and Your love. Amen.

James 4:7
Luke 10:19
Romans 8:1

Overcome fitness challenges

Have you ever felt the battle between your flesh and spirit when it comes to healthy choices and taking care of your body? Does it feel like you are in a struggle to eat healthy, exercise, end your addiction to sugar?

Are you stuck in the “whenever” or “tomorrow” trap? Whenever I have more time, whenever I have more money, whenever I feel better. Tomorrow I will eat healthier. Tomorrow I will go for a walk. Tomorrow I will stop drinking soda.

Our flesh tends to choose instant pleasure over delayed gratification. We truly want to eat healthy but can’t seem to resist the pleasure of eating a sweet treat. Our tempter, that old devil, encourages us whispering in our ear, “It’s okay, go ahead take a bite, you can start eating healthier tomorrow.”

Then, after we’ve eaten that sweet treat and put off our health until tomorrow that old devil switches gears and becomes our accuser showering us with judgement and guilt. Causing us to compare ourselves to others, pick ourselves to pieces, feel like we’re weak and not enough. He’s got us right where he wants us, in a tug-of-war with ourselves. Thinking we always have tomorrow. Putting our flesh first.

Mark 3:25 tells us when we are internally divided against ourselves we fail and the enemy wins. How do we break out of this trap of self-criticism and self-sabotage? How do we find the strength to resist temptation, overcome excuses, move ourselves toward a healthier body?

By actively putting God first in our life and including Him in our health and fitness plan. Matthew 6:33 promises God will take care of us when we put Him first. Galatians 5:16 tells us if we walk in the spirit we can overcome the flesh.

How do we put God first? Prayer, scripture, worship, meditation, there are numerous ways. It is a personal decision. Figure out what it means to you, and do it. Just remember it’s not a one-and-done thing. It’s an ongoing interaction. A personal relationship with God.

John 16:33 gives us the reminder that yes, we will face difficult times but we belong to the one who has overcome the world and Isaiah 41:10 reminds us God will strengthen and help us. If we let Him.

So….let Him.

E.A. Fussell

Lord thank You for loving us like You do. Thank You for the help and guidance that are always available to us through the Spirit. We ask for that help and guidance now. Thank You that You never stop listening to us even when we have stopped listening to You. Bless the person reading this, open their heart to receive You. Provide for them what they need most today. Comfort, strength, healing, finances. Pour out blessings upon them as only You can in accordance with Your Divine will, under grace, and in a perfect manner. Thank You Father that you have heard me. Amen

He will help, if you let Him

It’s that time of year when I feel compelled to double down on my health focus. Maybe it’s because the end of the year is only eight weekends from now. Maybe it’s because traveling requires extra commitment to a fitness routine. Maybe it’s just an attempt to stay focused and not overly indulge in holiday eating.

Spoken scripture, prayer and meditation can impact success. I will be sharing scripture, experiences, and thoughts along the way. Maybe it will help you too.

Psalm 18 is an example of how God hears our call for help and will come to help us because he delights in us. When we hold on to Him, He strengthens us to triumph over our enemies in whatever battle we face.

If you are struggling with something, call on God, reach out and take His hand. He will help you if you let Him.

Lord, thank you for the soul reading this. Touch them and bless them in a real and wonderful way. Please show them what You can do when they let You. Amen

E.A. Fussell

You are 1 in 8+ billion

Ponder this:

There is an old saying, “You are one in a million.” There are over 8 billion people in the world today. No two are the same. Truth is: “You are 1 in 8+ billion!”

So, be you.

Let go of societies megaphone stirring up strife through illusions. Let go of religious rituals that would have you place your faith in a man’s word standing at the pulpit instead of in our true Creator. Let go of the Spirit of Offense that permeates all public venues. Walk in the Spirit of Love and forgiveness.

Be brave, be bold, be courageous, be meek, be gentle, be kind, be whatever you were created to be. Accept that you alone have the authority to choose your thoughts and live your life the way you understand the Creator created you to live it.

If you’ve lost your way, no worries. The door to who you really are waits patiently inside you. All you have to do is ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

You are unique and very special to our Creator. You are greatly loved. You were created because the world needs you at this particular time.

You are 1 in 8+ billion.
Thank you for being you. 💞

E.A. Fussell

Share your brightness

To someone you are a bright spot just by being alive. An authentic brilliant color in a world full of dull illusions.

Remind yourself of the light within you. Treat yourself to some brightness. Soak up a little sun on a daily walk. Look for bright colors, make it like the kids game we played, “I spy something blue!”

Get some food coloring and bake a batch of colorful cupcakes. Baking isn’t your thing? No worries, buy some cupcakes at your local bakery, get a bottle of sprinkles, overload the frosting with color.

Share the sweetness. Invite someone to walk in the sun with you (the “I spy” game is more fun with two). Give a colorful cupcake to someone you run across during the day.

Practice kindness on purpose. Start with yourself. Fill your cup up and let it overflow to others.

E.A. Fussell

Choose what’s valuable to you

A local friend called while I was weeding a flower bed tonight. In their opinion I was wasting my time. Frost is expected within the next week and the flowers will be dead soon.

Near these flowers is a sidewalk leading from the backdoor of my home to a detached garage. I travel this path, back-and-forth, several times a day passing this little flower bed each time. Their cheery colors bring me pleasure. So, caring for them will continue until the weather prevails.

We each have our perspective on life. What is valuable to one, seems like a waste of time to another. Both are right, neither is wrong. Value is in the eye of the beholder.

E.A. Fussell

A few more minutes

I had been hiking for longer than planned when I passed the lake (shown in a previous video). I told myself to keep going, just five more minutes. Then I heard the water rushing a little faster down the mountain. When hiking through the mountains, in as little as five minutes, the scenery can dramatically change.

Often in life we get tired, feel like turning around, going home. But we will never really know where our journey might take us if we stop short.

Wherever you are in life, keep going, in a few minutes things can change and something spectacular may occur.

E.A. Fussell